What is software

What is software?

A computer cannot do anything on its own. We need to give instructions to it to make it work as desired by us. Hence it is necessary to specify a sequence of instructions a computer must perform to solve a problem. Such a sequence of instructions written in a language understood by a computer is called a computer Program. A program controls a computer’s processing activity, and the computer performs precisely what a program wants it to do.
The term software refers to a set of computer programs, procedures and associated documentation related to the effective operation of a computer system and perform a specific task. A sequence of instructions given to a computer to perform a particular task is called a program or software.

Types of Software’s

Many authors writes that there are two types or three types of software’s but according to me there are four types of software which are as :-

  1. System software
  2. Application software
  3. Languages
  4. Utilities

System software: System software are the software which are for the functioning of the system. eg Operating system, linker, loader, compiler, interpreter, Assembler, and Debugger.

Application software: Application software’s are useful for end user means user uses them for their daily uses like Ms-word, paint, VLC player, Photoshop etc.

Language software: These software’s are used by programmers to develop new software’s and other languages examples are Turbo c++, JDK, DEV c++, Eclipse etc.

Utilities: These programs are used to enhance the additional capability of computer like Antivirus, Disk defragmenter etc.

Types of System software:

System software are the software which are for the functioning of the system. eg Operating system, linker, loader, compiler, interpreter, Assembler, and Debugger.

Operating system: Operating system is system software that takes care of effective and efficient utilization of all hardware and software components of a computer system. Operating system provides interface between user and computer system. without operating system computer is of no use.

Linker: Linker is also a type of system software which links different modules of programs, links libraries to our program.

Loader: This is another system software which loads essential programs and software’s and Data into primary memory for active processing. This program is especially used during booting process.

Compiler: Compiler is a translator program which converts high level language code into machine code.

Interpreter: This is also translator program which also converts the high level language program into machine code but compiler converts whole program at a time while as interpreter converts line by line.

Assembler: Assembler is also a translator which was used in Assembly level language.

Debugger: Bug means error and debug means to remove error and debugger means error remover. Hence Debugger is a program which checks for and removes error’s.

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