How to setup ADT plugins for Eclipse?

How to setup ADT plugins for Eclipse?
The Android Development Tools (ADT) plug-in for Eclipse is an extension to the Eclipse IDE that supports the creation and debugging of Android applications.
To install the ADT, first launch Eclipse by double-clicking on the eclipse.exe file located in the eclipse folder.
When Eclipse is first started, you will be prompted for a folder to use as your workspace. In Eclipse, a workspace is a folder where you store all your projects. Take the default suggested and click OK.
Once Eclipse is up and started, click the Help —> Install New Softwar from menu item.
In the Install window that appears, type in the text box—>and click Add button.
After a while, you will see the Developer Tools item appear in the middle of the window.
Expand it, and it will reveal its content: Android DDMS, Android Development Tools, and Android Hierarchy Viewer. Check all of them and click Next.
When you see the installation details—>click Next.
Review the licenses for the tools. Check the option to accept the license agreements Click Finish button to continue.
Eclipse will now proceed to download the tools from the Internet and install them.this may take time wait until it is installed.
After installing the ADT, restart the Eclipse.
Now click Window
Then click Preferences. In the Preferences window
select Android If you see an error message displaying that the SDK has not been set up
Click OK button to dismiss it.
Now enter the location of the Android SDK folder. In C:Android android-sdk-windows. Then Click OK.
Now you have seccessfull installed ADT plugins.

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