• GRANT and REVOKE Commands

    In SQL, GRANT and REVOKE are two commands used to manage user permissions and access control for database objects. These…

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  • Creating Views in SQL

    In SQL, views are virtual tables that are created based on a SELECT query. They are not stored as physical…

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    A cursor in SQL is a temporary work area created in system memory when a SQL statement is executed. A…

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  • Embedded SQL

    Programs written in high level languages such as C/C++ can use EMBEDDED SQL to access and update data stored in…

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  • what is a sequence

    In database management systems, a sequence is an object that generates a sequence of unique numbers or values on demand.…

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    Subqueries, also known as nested queries, are SQL statements within other SQL statements. These queries are used to retrieve data…

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  • JOINS in SQL

    Structured Query Language (SQL) is a widely used programming language that is used to manage and manipulate data in relational…

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    Functions in SQL are predefined procedures that take input values, perform an operation, and return a single value or a…

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  • Update, Delete, DROP commands in SQL

    Update, Delete, DROP commands in SQL Update UPDATE is the SQL verb that changes or modifies data values in a…

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  • Aggregate Functions in SQL

    Aggregate functions in SQL are used to perform calculations on a set of values and return a single value. These…

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  • Queries in SQL (Select, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, HAVING)

    Queries are a group of commands used to extract data from tables in a database using some SQL constructs. Queries…

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  • Insert Operation in SQL

    Insert Operation After creating the tables, we have to insert data in it so that it can be called database. …

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  • Alter table command in SQL

    Alter table command Learn to create table We can change the definition of a table even after creating it. For…

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  • Integrity Constraints in SQL

    Integrity Constraints While creating a table you can place certain Constraints/limitations on the values stored in the table.  Different constrains…

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  • Create Table Command

    Create Table Command Tables are defined with the create table command. Create Table command basically defines a table name describing…

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