Networking Multiple choice questions part 2

Q.1. The maximum length of an Ethernet frame is

  • 512 bytes
  • 1518 bytes
  • 2048 bytes
  • 4096 bytes

1518 bytes

Q.2. Which of the following mac addresses is a broadcast Ethernet address

  • 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00
  • 11: 11: 11: 11: 11: 11
  • FF: FF: FF: FF: FF: FF


Q.3. The original Ethernet was limited to a length of

  • 2500 m
  • 1500 m
  • 250 m
  • 1000 m

2500 m

Q.4. Which of the following media are allowed in an Ethernet

  • Coaxial
  • Optical Fiber
  • All of the above

All of the above

Q.5. The http protocol uses port number ______

  • 27
  • 447
  • 110
  • 80


Q.6. The feature that allows incompatible devices like a 10 Mbps device and a 100 Mbps device to communicate in Ethernet is called

  • Bus arbitration
  • Autonegotiation


Q.7. To convert a URL like into an IP address, _____ is used

  • HTTP
  • TCP/IP
  • Web Server
  • DNS


Q.8. ADSL stands for

  • Analog Digital Subscriber Line
  • Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
  • Analog Demodulated Subscriber Line
  • Alternate Demodulated Subscriber Line

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

Q.9. Which of the following are WAN protocols

  • ATM
  • WiMAX
  • All of the above

All of the above

Q.10. The set of standards that define WiFi are

  • 802.11x
  • 802.13x
  • 802.14x
  • 802.15x


Q.11. The data rate of Bluetooth is

  • 200 Kbps
  • 512 kbps
  • 768 kbps
  • 1 Mbps

1 Mbps

Q.12. The maximum speed of a dial-up modem is

  • 28 kbps
  • 112 kbps
  • 46 kbps
  • 56 kbps

56 kbps

Q.13. A geostationary satellite orbits the earth at an altitude of

  • 24000 km
  • 43000 km
  • 36000 km
  • 27000 km

36000 km

Q.14. The minimum number of geostationary satellites required to provide full global transmission is

  • 3
  • 24
  • 5
  • 6


Q.15. A device that operates at the physical layer and regenerates the bits but cannot perform any filtering of packets is called

  • Switch
  • Router
  • Hub
  • Gateway


Q.1. A device that operates at the data link layer and checks the destination address of a frame to decide on which outgoing port the frame should be sent is

  • Switch
  • Router
  • Hub
  • Gateway


Q.2. Which layer does a router operate at

  • Network Layer
  • Transport Layer
  • Data link layer
  • Physical Layer

Network Layer

Q.3. What is the number of possible IP addresses in the IP protocol

  • one billion
  • two billion
  • three billion
  • four billion

four billion

Q.4. End to end addressing at the transport layer are provided by

  • IP Addresses
  • Port Numbers
  • MAC Addresses
  • URLs

Port Numbers

Q.5. The IP address belongs to

  • Class A
  • Class B
  • Class C
  • none of the above

Class C

Q.6. If the Network ID part of an IP address is variable in length, the IP address is a

  • Classful IP Address
  • Classless IP Address
  • Can be either one of the two
  • Depends on the network

Classless IP Address

Q.7. A technique that divides the range of IP addresses obtained by an organization into several subranges is

  • Subnetting
  • VLANs
  • CIDR
  • Hierarchical routing


Q.8. Which of the following IP addresses is a loopback address


Q.9. Which of the following IP addresses is the broadcast IP address


Q.10. The protocol that automatically assigns IP addresses to computers that join a network is

  • DHCP
  • HTTP
  • TCP


Q.11. ICMP stands for

  • Internetwork Configuration Message Protocol
  • Internet Control Message Protocol
  • Internet Configuration Management Protocol
  • Internetwork Control Message Protocol

Internet Control Message Protocol

Q.12. Which of the following is a routing protocol

  • RIP
  • OSPF
  • BGP
  • All of the above

All of the above

Q.13. The IP protocol is

  • Connectionless
  • Both connectionless and unreliable
  • Unreliable
  • Neither connectionless and unreliable

Both connectionless and unreliable

Q.14. The maximum allowed size of an IP packet is

  • 65536 bytes
  • 8192 bytes
  • 32765 bytes
  • 4096 bytes

65536 bytes

Q.15. Fragmentation and reassembly of datagrams is done by

  • Network layer
  • Transport layer
  • Data link layer
  • All of the above

Network layer

Networking Multiple choice questions part 1

Networking Multiple choice questions part 3

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