Requirements to make a good multimedia?

 Requirements to make a good multimedia:

We need hardware, software, and good ideas to make multimedia.


To make good multimedia, talent and skill is required. We also need to stay organized,because as the construction work gets under way, all the little bits and pieces of multimedia content will get lost. We may also need time and money and help from other people as well.

Creativity: Develop a sense of scope and content of our multimedia project is required.

Organization: Develop an organized outline plan that rationally details the skills, time, budget, tools, and resources we will need for a project.

Hardware Requirements:


Central Processing Unit (CPU) is an essential part in any computer. The efficiency of a computer is judged by the speed of the CPU in processing of data. For a multimedia computer a Pentium processor is preferred because of higher efficiency.


The monitor is used to see the computer output. Resolution is the amount of details the monitor can render. Resolution is defined in terms of horizontal and vertical pixel (picture elements) displayed on the screen.

    c.    Video Grabbing Card

We need to convert the analog video signal to digital signal for processing in a computer. Normal computer will not be able to do it alone. It requires special equipment called video grabbing card and software to this conversion process. This card translates the analog signal it receives from conventional sources such as a VCR or a video camera, and converts them into digital format.

    d.    Sound Card

Today’s computers are capable of creating the professional multimedia needs. Not only you can use computer to compose your own music, but it can also be used for recognition of speech and synthesis. It can even read back the entire document for you. But before all this happens, we need to convert the conventional sound signal to computer understandable digital signals. This is done using a special component added to the system called sound card.

    e.    CD-Rom

CD-ROM is a magnetic disk of 4.7 inches diameter and it can contain data up to 680 Megabytes. It has become a standard by itself basically for its massive storage capacity, faster data transfer rate. To access CD-ROM a very special d1rive is required and it is known as CD-ROM drive

Software Requirements:

For the creation of multimedia on the PC there are hundreds of software packages that are available from manufacturers all over the world. These software packages can cost anything from being absolutely to anything. Here is a summary of just a few of these programs.

a.Adobe CS4

Adobe CS4 is a collection of graphic design, video editing, and web development applications made by Adobe Systems many of which are the industry standard that includes


 Is an alternative to Photoshop and cheaper but not quite as good.

c.Google Sketch up

Sketch Up is a 3D modeling program designed for architects, civil engineers, filmmakers, game developers, and related professions.

d.Microsoft FrontPage

As a WYSIWYG editor, FrontPage is designed to hide the details of pages’ HTML code from the user, making it possible for novices to easily create web pages and sites.

e.Apple QuickTime

QuickTime is an extensible proprietary multimedia framework developed by Apple, capable of handling various formats of digital video, 3D models, sound, text, animation, music, panoramic images, and interactivity.       

f.Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint Presentations are generally made up of slides may contain text, graphics, movies, and other objects, which may be arranged freely on the slide.

Multimedia Hardware 

Macintosh and Windows Production Platform:
The two most significant platforms for producing and delivering multimedia projects are the Apple Macintosh operating system (OS) and the Microsoft Windows OS found running on most Intel-based PCs (including Intel-based Macintosh’s).
These computers, with their graphical user interfaces and huge installed base of many millions of users throughout the world, are the most commonly used platforms for the development and delivery of today’s multimedia.
The basic principles for creating and editing multimedia elements are the same for all platforms.Many software tools readily convert picture, sound, and other multimedia files (and even whole functioning projects) from Macintosh to Windows format, and vice versa,using known file formats or even binary compatible files that require no conversion at all.

The Macintosh platform:

    Was launched by Apple in 1984.
    Has a good built-in audio and high-quality graphics capability.
    Includes hardware and software for digitizing and editing video and producing DVD discs.
    Makes multimedia project development easier and smoother.

The Windows platform:

    Is a collection of different vendor-neutral components that are tied together by the requirements of the Windows operating system?
    Initially focused on business computing and was not suitable for multimedia. However, it is now easier to find multimedia hardware and software for Windows as compared to the Macintosh.

Which Platform Mac or PC?

Select platform based on:
1    Personal preference
2    Budget constraints
3    Project delivery requirements
4    Type and content of project materials
5    Availability to target audience.


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